
ANOTHER HORARY EXAMPLE – Should I Attend The Men’s Rites of Passage?

Should I Attend The Men’s Rites of Passage?

This question was posed by a man who was unsure whether to attend a men’s rites of passage retreat that he had signed up for. He felt a deep resonance with the theme and really wanted to do it. The retreat has been designed by Richard Rohr, a Franciscan monk who has been involved in men’s work and the process of initiation for many years. Rohr speaks about the ‘two halves of life’ and how the first half of life is about personal achievement or gain in the world and the second half is about letting that go and embarking on the deeply personal inner quest. The man was at a critical juncture in his life, where he felt he had felt there was nothing more to be gained in the world. He was involved in a deepening of his personal spiritual path and feeling a greater urge to surrender to something bigger than himself, as well as connect with deeper aspects of himself he had so far been unable to access.

Yet, despite the urge to attend the retreat, and the feeling it was perfectly fitting for where he was at in life, he had been dealing with chronic illness for some time and was feeling exhausted. He could ‘push through’ and do the retreat, but all his body really wanted to do was rest and stay at home.

Very deeply repressed anxiety had been surfacing and he was feeling hypersensitive. He said he felt calm in his mind, but that his body was anxious. Being in a large group for several days felt like it might be more stressful than helpful. And yet the retreat only happens once a year and he didn’t want to miss something that could be very beneficial.


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Following on from my previous post, the same client told me that they had found a new craniosacral practitioner and sent me the date and time of their first session with them. This is an event chart rather than a horary, so the rules of interpretation are more akin to a natal chart – since it is a beginning, or ‘birth’. In this case the chart will show the nature of how the relationship and sessions will unfold between the client and the new practitioner.

What is immediately striking is the sheer dominance of the Water element, something severely lacking in the previous horary. The Moon is on the exact degree of the Ascendant, in Scorpio, and forming a Grand Water Trine with Mercury and the Sun in Cancer, and Saturn and Fortuna in Pisces. A grand trine is a rare configuration which encompasses planets in all signs of a particular element (in this case water).


By |July 7th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , |Comments Off on CRANIO HORARY – Part Two

A CONVERSATION WITH THE DIVINE – a Horary Astrology judgment

This recent consultation I did is such a wonderful example of the deep wisdom, clear guidance and beautiful poetry of using astrology as divination. A perfect blending of technical craft with mystical art that has very grounded, real world use. A combination my Virgo Sun and Piscean Jupiter loves!

Whenever I reflect on how it is possible that the planetary positions at the moment of asking a question can so precisely describe the situation in a person’s life I am always left awestruck, dumbfounded and with the recognition that the intelligence of life operates in a manner far beyond anything I could ever hope to understand. A deep understanding of horary will shatter even seasoned astrologers understanding of what astrology is, and how it works.


By |July 7th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , |Comments Off on A CONVERSATION WITH THE DIVINE – a Horary Astrology judgment

ELECTIONAL ASTROLOGY – choosing the best date to begin a new venture

Electional Astrology is the art of choosing (electing) a date and time to start a new venture. Astrology charts are not limited to people; everything that has a beginning also has a chart, which will accurately describe how the thing begun will unfold over time. Two of the classic reasons for having an electional chart done are getting married or launching a new business or product.

Electional astrology is the cousin of Horary (divinatory) astrology. They differ in that with Horary you ask a question and the chart is calculated for that moment. With Electional you get to play around to find the most appropriate / best chart for the situation at hand.


By |August 29th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: |Comments Off on ELECTIONAL ASTROLOGY – choosing the best date to begin a new venture

US PLUTO RETURN: its significance for the economy – Feb to Dec 2022

One of the most significant astrological transits we’re in the midst of now is the US’s Pluto Return. Pluto is the slowest moving planet in our solar system, taking almost 250 years to orbit the Sun (and hence to return to the same place in an astrology chart). 

Below you can see the chart for the United States (4th July 1776) on the inner wheel, and on the outer wheel the current positions of the slow moving, outer planets. You can see natal Pluto in the 2nd house at 27 Capricorn, and the current Pluto position at 28 Capricorn.


By |May 28th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Major Transit of 2021 – Saturn square Uranus

One of the big transits for 2021 is Saturn square Uranus. This is beginning right now and will continue until December. Saturn symbolises the tradition, hierarchy and those in charge. Uranus is disruption, the rebel and the revolutionary.

One of the main ways I see this playing out is in the global financial systems. Uranus is currently in Taurus. Taurus symbolises finance and money. (Think ‘the bull’ as the symbol of Wall St).

Uranus moved into Taurus in early 2019 and will be there until 2026. I see this as a period of tremendous revolution in our financial systems. Uranus is also the symbol for technology. Uranus in Taurus equals the advent of a new form of money based on technology (aka cryptocurrency).

This Saturn-Uranus square through 2021 indicates a significant clash between the old ways of doing things, and a new, more progressive and equitable system.


By |February 27th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Major Transit of 2021 – Saturn square Uranus

More on the Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction of December 2020

On 21st December Jupiter and Saturn meet to begin a new 200 year cycle, having moved from the element of Earth into Air. I wrote about the kinds of things this represents here.

There is another aspect to this cycle that I also want to discuss. Jupiter and Saturn meet every 20 years and describe the Zeitgeist – the Spirit of the Age.

It is said that in the first 10 years of the cycle Jupiter is dominant over Saturn and in the final 10 years vice versa. Jupiter is a symbol for expansion, growth, freedom and ‘more’ (the Greater Benefic) and Saturn is contraction, limitation and ‘less’ (the Greater Malefic).
As a general theme for the decades where Jupiter and Saturn each have the upper hand, you can see this playing out in recent history:

1920s (Jupiter)
– The ‘Roaring 20s’ (in France, the “années folles” – ‘crazy years’) with social, artistic and cultural prosperity, the flourishing of jazz and the development and use of cars, telephones, movies, radio, and electrical appliances in the west.

1930s (Saturn)
– The Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression (which began in 1929), leading to the collapse of the international financial system and widespread unemployment and poverty; the rise of Fascism

1940s (Jupiter)
– Mostly dominated by the Second World War, and so doesn’t to me really fit the Jupiter-Saturn cycle pattern (although interestingly I once read about an astrological study of the main Nazi leaders and the most prominent planet in their charts was Jupiter – whose shadow side is an insatiable desire for more. The Nazi idea of Lebensraum (‘living space’) – was essentially that Germany needed to expand its territory into much of Central and Eastern Europe to have enough space for its survival.)


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December 2020: A Paradigm Shift for Humanity

During 2020 Jupiter and Saturn have been meeting in the sky, in what is known as a great conjunction. This synodic cycle occurs every 20 years, and is said to describe the Zeitgeist – the ‘spirit of the times’.

What is most interesting about the upcoming conjunction is that it happens in Aquarius, an Air sign. The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction happens in the same element for roughly 200 years. Since 1802 these 2 planets have been coming together in Earth signs. The last time they were in Air signs was almost 800 years ago.

Actually, this shift has already been taking place. Jupiter and Saturn did come together in Air for the first time in 1980, but 20 years later (and also earlier this year) they were back in Earth. So we’ve been in a transitional period for the last 40 years, before fully moving into the Air realm in December.

This symbolises a very significant paradigm shift for humanity, a movement away from Earthly expressions, which will be seen in so many different realms of life.

For example, in the last 40 years we’ve had the exponential growth of technology (Air), from the initial computers, the size of a small fridge, to the super powerful tiny devices in our pockets that we very occasionally make phone calls on.


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Astrology of the Beirut Explosion

As I mentioned in my previous article, from August 4th for several months Mars in Aries will be squaring the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.

On the very day of the first square of Mars to Jupiter (August 4th), at 6.08pm local time, a huge explosion rocked the port and city of Beirut, apparently caused by 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate that had been confiscated 6 years earlier. The explosion killed close to 200 people and left an estimated 300,000 homeless.

The explosion (Mars) was triggered by a fire (Aries). Jupiter was exactly on the Ascendant (the most sensitive point), and also Uranus (ruler of sudden events and accidents) was right the on IC (the point of the chart related to the ground and home).

By |August 22nd, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Astrology of the Beirut Explosion

The Planet of War in the Sign of War (Mars enter Aries – June 28th, 2020)

At 2.45am London time yesterday, June 28th, Mars moved into his home sign of Aries. Usually Mars spends about 6 weeks in each sign, but once every two years it goes retrograde, meaning it spends a longer period in one or two signs. Usually this retrograde period will straddle two signs, but unusually this time around it spends the entire period in Aries – meaning that Mars will be in Aries for over 6 months now – until 7th Jan 2021.

As with all planetary placements, Mars in Aries can and will have a whole spectrum of expressions out there in the world. Mars is all about action, doing, making things happen. Drive, motivation and courage. When it its own sign, these traits are all able to be manifested more easily. So it’s a great time for taking charge of your life, starting something new and being self-motivated. You may be filled with more assertiveness and will at this time to go directly after your desires.


Mars is also the God of War in Roman mythology. And can symbolise anger, rage, violence and conflict. Aries is named after Ares, the Roman God of War. So we have the planet of war in the sign of war for the next 6 months!

Periods when Mars is strong are times when people are generally impulsive and willing and able to stand up for themselves, sometimes initiating trouble and conflict in the process. Given the current state of the world right now, this suggests that things are going to get even more heated over the coming 6 months. It certainly does not point to the calming down of protests, conflicts and violence.


By |June 29th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Planet of War in the Sign of War (Mars enter Aries – June 28th, 2020)

Saturn Conjunct Pluto part two – The African Slave Trade

One more thing regarding the last time Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn, in 1518, was that this was also the year denoting a significant turning point regarding the African Slave Trade. In August 1518 King Charles of Spain authorised the transportation of slaves directly from Africa to the Americas for the first time.

The signing of this new law instigated an enormous rise in the numbers of slaves that were transported from Africa across the Atlantic – over 10 million in the subsequent 350 years.

While the tensions and systemic racism towards the black population that exist in the US has been surfacing for a long time, it is very interesting how now in 2020, as Saturn and Pluto meet again in Capricorn for the first time since 1518, these tensions have reached boiling point. All over the US we are seeing mass protests in response to the murder of George Floyd by a white policeman in Minneapolis.

Given the astrological symbolism, I think it’s reasonable to say that the roots of this racism have been deeply embedded in the collective for 500 years. Capricorn is a symbol for the ruling class and authorities; Saturn and Pluto together serve to bring deeply repressed energies to the surface, and in so doing a battle rages between those in power who want to maintain it, and those who want to overthrow the injustice and abuse. When Pluto comes to prominence the results can be explosive – like a volcano that has been simmering for aeons finally exploding.

It seems that the time has finally arrived whereby 500 years of control and oppression can begin to be truly addressed and, maybe, eventually healed. Just think of how much collective pain has been caused by the barbaric treatment of slaves for hundreds of years. With Pluto involved things are going to be heavy and potentially violent for a while. Pluto is sometimes described as ‘creative destruction’. The old structures have to be destroyed before the new can be built.

And while it will take a long time for such a huge transformation to occur, the 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction gives the potential for this to begin in earnest for the first time.

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The major astrology of this time relates to the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. While this was exact in mid January, it is such a big cycle that the energies and themes of this transit will be present for the next few years.

It is the connections between the slow moving outer planets that describe and define periods of time on a global scale. Some people will feel this more strongly than others based on their personal charts – especially Capricorns and Cancers (and also Librans and Aries) – however this impacts the collective energy of the entire planet and hence it will affect everybody.

When I talk about the planets, I’m not really talking about the physical planet out there in space. To say Saturn is a short-hand for the archetypal energies that this planet symbolises in our world.

Saturn relates to control, restriction, fear, structures and, in the case of Saturn transits, to the bringing down of those structures. Pluto was the Lord of the Underworld in mythology and signifies the personal and collective shadow coming to light. The hidden or dark side of life bursting through into consciousness.

Pluto transits signify destruction. In its higher form this is ‘creative destruction’. Bringing the shadow to light in order that the energy is integrated in a healthy manner and transformed.

When Saturn and Pluto come together, very powerful forces are set in motion. Saturn and Pluto together are heavy energies. They are both rooted in bringing major change.

Astrology is not a fated, deterministic system. All planets symbolise a whole spectrum of possible expressions. Whether the lower or higher sides manifest is down to our individual and collective will.

Saturn was opposite Pluto in September 2001. And they were exactly across the Ascendant-Descendent axis (the most sensitive point) of the chart for the United States when 9/11 happened.

Saturn, like I say, is structure, and it was in Gemini. The sign of the twins. The twin towers. Pluto, which relates to terrorism amongst many other dark things, was in Sagittarius – the sign connected to aeroplanes.

This aspect was perfect symbolism for the destruction of the towers. (Remember, the energy of the planets didn’t cause it. The movements of the planets describe the energies behind life events.)


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The True Meaning of Saturn / Satan

When Saturn shows up in astrology, either in a difficult aspect in a natal chart, or as a transit to a key element in our chart, fear is often the initial reaction.

It’s not uncommon for astrologers and people who understand some astrology to suffer from ‘Saturnophobia’. This is because Saturn transits do tend to bring big challenges, leading either to an ending or at the very least to significant changes to existing structures. Change is often feared, and we may relate to it as the Devil himself.

Given that the nature of life IS change, this mindset makes for a rather uncomfortable relationship with reality.

When we have a conjunction, opposition or square to Saturn in our natal chart it invariably indicates a significant challenge in our life – usually in the form of restriction, limitation, negativity or a great struggle to express the higher nature of the planet that it touches.

For example, Moon conjunct Saturn can show somebody who has fear or difficulty in feeling and/or expressing their emotions. Hence it’s common for this placement to indicate loneliness or depression in somebody’s life.

Archetypically speaking Saturn and Satan are indeed one and the same. But what is the deeper reality of this figure?


By |January 17th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The True Meaning of Saturn / Satan

Saturn conjunct Pluto – January 2020

Anyone who follows the movement of the planets will be acutely aware that January 12th, 2020 is the day of the exact Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. There has been much already written about this, and what it could mean on the world stage. Undoubtedly it is a huge transit, symbolic of big changes being initiated at this time that will play out over the next few years.

Saturn is a symbol for authority and structure, Pluto (the Lord of the Underworld) describes unconscious and sometimes dark and destructive forces coming to light. On the world stage, Capricorn is the prevailing societal and governmental forces, the hierarchy, and the old, traditional way of doing things.

Saturn transits tend to challenge (and sometimes bring down) old structures that no longer work. And so it is fair to say that 2020 and beyond is a big time in terms of significant tension between the old way, and the possibility of creating new governing structures in the world.

Pluto is a symbol for power and control, and so there will be a pushback. The current structure will not crumble easily, and will fight to hold on to the existing power dynamic. Pluto can indicate ‘creative destruction’, a profound death and eventual rebirth of new systems; so it may not be pretty out there. These are the themes at play and ultimately nobody can predict exactly how this will manifest. It could be very messy, and it does not necessarily have to be.


What most interests me is how we can relate to, and use, the energy of the current time on a personal level, and I think that if there is enough of an individual will in this direction then the deep changes symbolised by Saturn and Pluto coming together do not have to be catastrophic.


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To Brexit, Or Not To Brexit… What Do The Stars Say?

Just like people, countries also have an astrology chart, and I wanted to share with you some things I’ve noticed about the charts of the UK and its leader, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, given that our country is at such a significant moment in its history.

The United Kingdom officially came in being on 1st January 1801, when Great Britain joined with Ireland. (btw, for those non-Brits, England is a part of Great Britain, which is a part of the United Kingdom – it’s a bit like those Russian nesting dolls.)

So the UK is a Capricorn country, as it has the Sun in this sign. You can see the characteristics of this sign in that it is all about tradition and the establishment. Capricorn, like the mountain goat, wants to climb to the top and so there can be a sense of superiority. Capricorn very much describes the British Empire – the sense of entitlement to claim sovereignty over and rule other countries.

Capricorn is the sign related to hierarchy, very fitting for a country whose history is defined by its rigid class system of royalty, aristocracy and the working class (aka the peasants!)

Capricorn, like its ruler Saturn, can also be somewhat serious, cold, unemotional and reserved. This is, generally speaking, the nature of the British culture – the stiff upper lip, keeping all feelings under wraps. And exemplified by the famous World War II slogan ‘keep calm and carry on’.

Now, planets or Angles in a chart move very slowly by Progression, which is one of the essential timing devices in astrology. Important progressions do not happen that often, which is what makes them so key when they do.

There is some truly astonishing synastry between the Progressed UK chart and the new Prime Minister’s natal chart, which describes the major impact he will have on the future of the United Kingdom.


By |August 18th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

The BBC Makes a Monkey Out Of Danny Baker

Last week, BBC radio show host Danny Baker was sacked after tweeting an image of a chimpanzee dressed in a top hat, overcoat and cane. His caption, ‘Royal baby leaves hospital’ was a reference to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s new baby.

The BBC fired him because they said the chimp image of the mixed-race baby was racist. Baker is funny, irreverent and anti-elitist. He is not racist. His comment was intended to caricature privilege and he was horrified when people alerted him to the fact that the image could been seen by some as being racist.

In his own words, ‘it was a genuine, naïve and catastrophic mistake’.

While not intentional, this was considered unforgiveable and a sackable offence by the powers-that-be. The event can be described so clearly by the astrological movements Baker was experiencing.

Firstly, Uranus, the planet of sudden changes, endings, shocks and unexpected events was at 3 degrees of Taurus, within 1 degree of his natal Midheaven, the part of the chart that describes our public persona, reputation and career.

Uranus takes 84 years to go round the chart, and hence this is the only time in Danny’s life when Uranus will be on his Midheaven. So this transit shows both the ending of his career and, since he is also a public figure, a significant change to his reputation and how he is viewed by the public.

Interestingly, there are more layers to the astrological symbolism. The ruler of his Midheaven, and hence another significator for his career, is Venus. His natal Venus is in the 12th house, known traditionally as the ‘house of self-undoing’. As the name suggests, planets in this house often symbolise problems we cause ourselves, usually without realising what we are doing. This is because the 12th house is like a blind spot, something we can’t see clearly. And obviously there was something about this situation that Danny did not see, that was quite evident to others.

Currently Saturn is at 20 degrees Capricorn, opposite Danny’s natal Venus. I wrote the other day about the athlete Caster Semenya’s Saturn transit relating to the IAAF governing body’s legal ruling against her. In Danny’s case, Saturn in Capricorn symbolises the BBC as his employer. (It is also the world’s oldest, and arguably most respected, national broadcasting organisation – Saturn/Capricorn relates to age and reputation.)

Saturn in Capricorn could also be considered to indicate the Royal Family, since it is descriptive of hierarchy, the ruling elite, tradition, formality and structure. (Both the BBC and the United Kingdom have the Sun in Capricorn in their respective charts.)

So this Saturn transit to his 10th house ruler is also indicative of a career end, at the hands of a Capricornian institution (the BBC).

And finally, Baker’s Progressed Sun is right now at the very end of Leo – 29 degrees and 47 minutes to be precise. His Progressed Sun (the unfolding of his life’s journey) has been in Leo for 30 years (it only moves 1 degree of 1 sign each year) and will soon change signs, indicating a major phase change in his life. The year when the Progressed Sun is in the final degree of a sign is often considered a time of crisis and endings.

It is very interesting to note that Baker first started working for the BBC as a radio presenter in 1989 – exactly 30 years ago, when his Progressed Sun was at 0 degrees Leo! And now as this period comes to an end for him, so too does his career with this organisation.


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By |May 13th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The BBC Makes a Monkey Out Of Danny Baker

Caster Semenya’s Gender Controversy… What Does Astrology Say?

South African athlete and Olympic gold medalist, Caster Semanya, has been embroiled for some time in a legal battle with the governing body of athletics, the IAAF, over the nature of her gender. She is female, but was born with XY chromosomes, normally associated with being male, and has a high level of testosterone, which the authorities have concluded give her an unfair advantage over her competitors.

Caster has her natal Sun conjunct Neptune in her chart. The Sun describes one’s identity and core essence. Neptune is a symbol for a lack of clarity, confusion or blurred boundaries. This Sun-Neptune aspect in her chart describes perfectly this fundamental theme in her life – the essential question of what her gender is; who is she? Neptune describes the fact that there is no clear, black-and-white answer to this.

In 2018 the IAAF announced a new rule, which meant hyperandrogenous athletes must take medication to lower their testosterone levels. Semanya challenged this rule change.

Her legal hearing began on 18th February 2019. This happened on the exact day that she was having the first hit of transiting Saturn conjunct her natal Sun in Capricorn. Saturn in Capricorn is a symbol for the governing powers and authority of the IAAF. It indicates the structure of law. And a transit of Saturn to her Sun indicates the challenges and limitation to Semanya of this governing body.

On 1st May, right when Saturn turned retrograde, the Court of Arbitration for Sport rejected her appeal. The restrictive forces of Saturn winning out, and forcing Semanya to abide by the limitation of the new rule (Saturn) if she wishes to continue competing.

Given the ruling, and that it comes under this heavy Saturn transit, it seems that the only choice she now has it either to take the medication (something that is symbolised by Neptune) or retire, which she hinted at on Twitter recently, before vowing to continue. The second hit of the transit is in July and the final one in November. So it’s likely that we will know which she decides during one of these transits.

Saturn always brings big changes into our lives, and often through a situation that we do not like but are unable to overcome; no matter how hard we try. Sometimes it is necessary to bow to the limitations inherent in this world of form, and allow it to shape our character for the better in the midst of apparent defeat.


By |May 13th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , , , , , |1 Comment

Why did Farrokh Bulsara choose the name Freddie Mercury?

I watched Bohemian Rhapsody recently and was curious as to Freddie Mercury’s choice of surname (he was born Farrokh Bulsara).

I had a look at his birth chart, and not only is Mercury the ruler of his Sun and Ascendant (both Virgo), but also the planet Mercury is situated at 2 degrees Virgo, the exact degree of his Ascendant.

Since the Ascendant changes so quickly (it moves through the full 360 degrees of the zodiac every 24 hours), any planet close to it in a birth chart has an extremely pronounced effect on a person’s character and life.

Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods in Roman mythology. He is the storyteller, the one who is here to communicate the message of the heavens down to earth. Mercury types always have something to say to the world and usually have a gift with words.

I always find it interesting how astrological symbolism shows up in the world. I am sure Freddie had no idea that Mercury was by far the most significant and prominent planet in his birth chart. Like how scientists gave Pluto (Lord of the Underworld in mythology) and Neptune (God of the sea) their names, and the nature of the planets’ symbolism in astrology fits perfectly with the mythology.

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The Goddess of Love meets the God of War…

On April 20th, Venus moves into the sign of Aries and will be there until the 15th May. With Aries being the first sign of the zodiac, this marks the beginning of a new trip around the wheel for the Goddess of Love.

While in the previous few weeks Venus was well placed in the sign of Pisces, she is now considered to be in her detriment. This is because the natures of Venus and Aries are very different. We have the Goddess of Love in the sign of war, which makes for an interesting next few weeks in your relationships.

As I have written about previously, Venus is a symbol for describing the part of our nature that desires harmony, balance and connection with others. Ares, from whom the sign of the zodiac derives, was the Greek God of War. The first sign of the zodiac carries the energy of the Big Bang, it is intense, immediate, fiery and direct. The Aries nature is happy to move towards confrontation, with a desire to get one’s own way. No sign of the zodiac is good or bad, all signs have higher and lower traits to them. It’s just that when a planet is in its detriment it is much easier for the lower than higher side to come out.


By |April 16th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Front Page, Videos|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on VENUS IN ARIES

Venus in Pisces

A time to dissolve the boundaries of separation between you and your beloved and experience the truth of Divine love.

On March 26th, Venus moved into the sign of Pisces and will be there until the 20th April. This is a wonderful period for connections with others and relationships of all kinds, since Venus is considered to be ‘exalted’ in Pisces.

Not all planetary placements are equal. Every planet is more comfortable in some signs than others. In plain English, exalted means that there is an affinity between the planet Venus and the sign Pisces, and that it is much easier for Venus to get its needs met in this sign than in most others.

One way to understand a planet’s meaning is to see it as describing a particular facet of our own being. And this part of us has its own needs that it wants fulifilled. In Venus’ case, one of its main needs it to connect with and relate to others. Hence it is one of the key things to look for in a person’s chart when discussing relationships.

If you have Venus in Pisces in your natal chart, then it suggests good fortune (or at least the potential for it) in your relationships. And for the rest of us during the next few weeks we can all get a taste of what this feels like. (More about that in a minute.)


By |April 16th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Videos|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Venus in Pisces

A Former Sceptic’s Guide To Astrology

What Astrology Really Is and How It Works

There are many misconceptions about what astrology is and how it works, both from those of a scientific mind and also from those of a more spiritual inclination. I used to be a complete sceptic about astrology until I accidentally found myself in a 1-hour talk on the subject back in 2010, which not only changed my whole understanding of astrology, but also eventually led to me practising it professionally. This was something of a departure from my previous career as a Computer Programmer.

It is somewhat unfortunate that daily horoscopes are so mainstream, since it means the majority of people know ‘astrology’ and no sane person could believe that the same few lines of text could apply to 1/12 of the entire population. Yet this is not really astrology.

My intention here is not to try and convince sceptics that astrology is valid, but simply to explain to those with an open mind the broader perspective of astrology and how it can help us to understand the entire nature of our lives on earth (so nothing too ambitious then!).

As somebody who has delved deeply into this subject every day for many years, I’d like to share my understanding of the nature of astrology, which just so happens to also say something of great importance about the nature of life itself and how it operates.

One of the common misconceptions about astrology is that it says the planets out there in space are influencing our lives and doing something to us here on Earth. However the relationship between the planets and our lives is a symbolic one, not a direct causal one. Astrology is a symbolic language. The different planets, signs and houses describe aspects of our personalities and our life and the events in it. But they do not cause it.


By |April 2nd, 2019|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on A Former Sceptic’s Guide To Astrology

Venus in Aquarius

Venus spends about 3.5 weeks in each sign of the zodiac, except for a brief period once every 18 months when it goes retrograde. As Venus moves through the 12 signs of the zodiac it describes different themes that may be present in your relationships. On March 1st, Venus moves into Aquarius and stays there until the 26th. Below you’ll find details of what this means for everybody during this time, as well as describing what it means should you have Venus in Aquarius in your natal chart, and also briefly what this means if you are an Aquarius Sun sign.

If you do not have a copy of your birth chart, and hence aren’t sure where your Venus is natally, you can get a free copy of your chart here:

Just scroll through the text under the chart to find your Venus sign.

When I talk about relationships this includes, but is not limited to, romantic ones. Venus describes ways of relating to all people in our life, though it is most noticeable in more intimate relationships.


By |February 28th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Venus in Aquarius


A few hours ago there was a powerful new moon in Sagittarius. It is a very noteworthy and especially wonderful new moon since it happens in conjunction with Jupiter, very strongly placed in its own sign. I wrote recently about the beneficial influence of Jupiter’s movement into Sagittarius. Check out the article on my website if you missed it:…/jupiter-in-sagittarius-faith-t…/

The bottom line is that for the next year, with Jupiter in its rulership, we have the potential to deeply connect with the inherent goodness of life. A time when our trust and faith in ourselves and in life (actually one and the same thing) can return or, for the lucky ones that never lost it, can grow even stronger.

Now the new moon happening at this time means that for the next month we have the possibility of feeling especially strongly for the next month this trust, optimism, faith, abundance and joy that Jupiter in Sagittarius can bring our way in the next 12 months.

And yesterday, as the Moon was in the early degrees of Sagittarius and about to conjoin with Jupiter, I found myself reading a truly beautiful article by Charles Eisenstein on the Gift Economy.

Essentially he is talking about how life is a gift and inherently abundant. And we can choose to connect with and relate to life from this place rather than from the sense of separation that is the pervasive worldview currently…

“We need to deprogram from the habits of separation and scarcity to reclaim the primal state of gift. I don’t think that this happens through personal efforts, motivated by the desire to be a better person. It is rather something that happens to us. It happens, in other words, as a gift.

The transmission vector of that gift is community. Generosity, you may have noticed, is infectious. When you witness generosity, you receive the message, “It is safe to give. It is OK. I’ll be OK.” Sharing stories and practices of gratitude, of generosity – and of the challenges and setbacks in stepping more deeply into gift – we generate a normalizing field that counteracts social programming toward competition, selfishness, and scarcity.”

– Charles Eisenstein “Living in the Gift”

(Read the full article on his website – highly recommended!)

Just as he wrote, I feel this desire to live more from a place of gratitude and gift happening to me. And so, inspired by Charles’ words and actions, I have decided to make the astrology courses that I’ve created available under this gift model. I have 3 courses and all are now freely available here:

Complete Introduction to Astrology
Sun and Moon In-Depth
Secrets of Relationship Astrology Revealed

The previous prices are given on each course page and you are welcome to pay less, the same, more, or nothing at all if you wish.

As I write these words I feel the resistance, the thoughts that this is a stupid idea giving away high quality products that I’ve worked extremely hard on. My scarcity conditioning wants to stop me.

But it also feels exciting to see what will happen and to let go even of the control of what I charge for my products.

And if ever there is a time to trust the universe and the benevolence of life it is during a new moon in Sagittarius with Jupiter close by in its rulership.

May you too feel the abundance and gift of existence at this most auspicious of times!

By |December 20th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS – FAITH IN ACTION

A Date With Destiny


I wrote recently about Jupiter’s movement into Sagittarius, and its association with a renewed trust and faith in the goodness of life. At the same time I started to really understand the nature of prayer. A friend and teacher of mine has been strongly encouraging me for much of this year to pray more. And while I have been doing it, it felt very uncomfortable to me and didn’t really fit with my understanding of the nature of reality. And prayer has, in our culture, been strongly connected to religion, and hence all the dogma that goes along with that, which I do not relate to.

And then I got it. I really felt the truth of what prayer is and how it works. Once again this happened just after Jupiter moved into its home sign of Sagittarius. I realised that whether we are praying to God, to one’s spirit guides, to nature, to the Universe or to Life is not important. What matters is that prayer helps us to get in touch with our heart, and truly feel the goodness and benevolence of life that is always available to us when we live from this place and not from our mental constructs of what life is or how it should be.

The importance of this in my own life, from an astrological perspective, is that my North Node (big life lessons, where I am heading, destiny) is in Sagittarius and my South Node (my past, what I am leaving behind, karma) is in Gemini. (The South Node is always the opposite sign to the North Node.)

North node themes tend to be things that are very unfamiliar and challenging to us, but the more we live from this place and embody these energies, the more our life tends to come together, good things happen and we find a deeper sense of fulfillment and ease). Sagittarius is linked to themes of higher knowledge, spiritual wisdom, benevolence, trust, faith and, yes, prayer.

South Node themes are very familiar, comfortable, but also what often holds us back in life. Living from our South Node we can feel stuck, unfulfilled and generally have a sense that life isn’t quite working for us. Gemini is the sign of the logical, rational mind. And hence this axis in my chart indicates a key shift in how I live life from logic to faith.

Part of my time in Portugal was spent visiting a good friend who lives at Mooji’s ashram. Mooji is a favourite teacher of mine and I’ve spent much time watching him on YouTube. I really wanted to meet him in person, and so just before heading there I prayed and asked for this serendipity to happen. It seemed very unlikely since the ashram is closed for the winter and no events are taking place. But still, I figured it was worth a shot, especially with fortunate Jupiter in Sagittarius at this time.

On my second day there, the community were getting together for a photo, so I figured I’d leave them to it and went for a walk around the land.

And then I heard this familiar voice saying ‘Good morning’ and looked up to see Mooji smiling at me. He insisted I come and join in the photo and we chatted together for a beautiful couple of minutes, before walking down right into the midst of the entire community of 200+ people who were waiting for him (hence my good fortune at having these pictures).

Now, my North Node is at 14 deg 25 minutes of Sagittarius. When I later checked the chart for the moment I met Mooji the Ascendant was at 14 deg 23 minutes of Sagittarius! (To give you an idea of how quickly the Ascendant moves, had we met 2 minutes earlier or later, it would have been at 13 or 15 deg of Sag respectively).

To me this felt like a strong sign from life confirming, through the symbolism of astrology (my language for understanding the mysterious workings of the Universe), that prayer does indeed work.

Of course, I still had the thought (Gemini) that this was all just a nice coincidence. But the confirmation of how the astrology of that precise moment synchronised so exactly with this key part of my natal chart was powerful enough for me to not buy into this rationalisation.

By |December 6th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on A Date With Destiny

Jupiter in Sagittarius… Faith, Trust and Self-Belief

George Michael was right…

You gotta have faith, faith, faith.

Yesterday, I had a very important revelation about myself and my life which came, unbeknownst to me at the time, about 15 minutes after Jupiter moved into Sagittarius. The insight was so perfectly symbolic of this change of sign for Jupiter.

I realised that deep down I believed that it was impossible to fully heal the skin condition that I have had for the last 14 years. Yesterday I felt deep in my heart that this was simply not true. And I saw how seeing through this belief was essential for the process of healing to go any further. In that moment I felt a big wave of relief and shed some tears as I knew beyond doubt, for the first time, that it really is possible.

Jupiter is said to be the ruler of Sagittarius, as they both relate to similar themes, which include optimism, faith and belief. Jupiter shows in what way we gain wisdom and grow. For the last 12 months it has been in Scorpio, which meant that generally speaking growth has come through struggle and exploring the murky, shadow side of ourselves.

Its movement into Sagittarius means that it is now possible to feel a renewed sense of hope, and that expansion and learning can come more easily through an increased ability to focus on the positivity and through faith and trust in the benevolence of life.

I also realised that self belief and faith in the goodness of life, the Universe, existence, God (whatever you want to call it) is actually one and the same thing. Will doubt return at times? No doubt! But I also know that having had a glimpse of a deep truth within that something has opened up which will little by little bring profound change into my life. What this will look like I really don’t know. But I don’t need to, since I have faith that it will be in alignment with what is best for me.

Jupiter will be in Sagittarius for the next 12 months. So I highly recommend using the energy of this time to tap more into the belief in yourself and the belief in the goodness of life that we all have inside, even though it can be buried by our limiting beliefs. Now is the time when this faith and trust can be more readily accessible to us. And the more we can get in touch with this deep knowing, the more life changes in our favour.

Also see this article related to Jupiter in Sagittarius and my recent auspicious meeting with Mooji.

By |November 18th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Front Page|Tags: , , , , , |3 Comments

Astrologers in Profile Interview with Adam Elenbaas

By |September 9th, 2018|Categories: Videos|Comments Off on Astrologers in Profile Interview with Adam Elenbaas

Webinar – 11th August 2018

Here’s the recording from today’s webinar. Topics under discussion include:

* Today’s Solar Eclipse in Leo
* Uranus’ recent move into Taurus and what this means for the global
financial system (think cryptocurrencies)
* What happened when Uranus was in Aries
* Uranus transits in one’s natal chart
* Example of James Dean’s chart and what was happening
astrologically when he died in a car crash

By |August 12th, 2018|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Webinar – 11th August 2018

Carl Jung and The Cosmic Marriage

How Carl Jung’s scientific study into astrology’s Cosmic Marriage revealed extraordinary information about the nature of existence and how life works.

By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Carl Jung and The Cosmic Marriage

What Not To Say To A Famous Actress When Reading Her Chart…

By |March 6th, 2018|Categories: Videos|Tags: |Comments Off on What Not To Say To A Famous Actress When Reading Her Chart…

What is Horary Astrology?

Horary Astrology is my new offering. This is pure divination. After studying this very specific branch of astrology for the last few years I am very happy to be in a place to now offer these readings formally.

This reading is for when you are looking for a yes or no answer to a specific, real world question. Essentially horary questions are a test of what our true desire is in a situation. Desire comes from the Latin de sidere, which means ‘from the stars’. This is another way of saying ‘Divine Will’. And hence when we ask a horary question we are essentially asking the spirits ‘Is this Divine Will?’

There are an infinite number of questions that can be asked. And they relate to important, practical situations in life. Some examples of horary questions include:

  • Should I take this job offer?
  • Is X the right person for me?
  • If I take this person to court, will I win?
  • Will our house sale go through smoothly?

Horary charts powerfully dispel the idea that astrology is a science, as it breaks out of the idea of linear time, with the astrological clock ticking in the background and lining up pre-destined events at the appropriate time.

This is because the chart used in horary is for the time and place the astrologer learns about the question asked (e.g. the time I read the email, am asked a question in person etc). From a linear perspective it makes no sense that the astrology for that moment can describe very accurately the situation going on for a person and guide them in the right direction. But there is a mysterious process at work that urges the person to ask the question at the exact right moment or urges the astrologer to read the email at that moment that the heavens line up accordingly.

Incredible, right!? 

As always with astrology, it is a matter of studying for yourself if it works – using direct personal experience, rather than thoughts and ideas about how you think it should be. When I studied horary and saw it working it was truly mind blowing.

A good horary will not just provide the answer, but also describe precisely the situation at hand and gives details as to why this is the right thing to do. For me, these kinds of readings are the most interesting and most exciting.

While it does not happen every time, when I see a chart come alive so precisely and provide such clear guidance for a person it is, for me, a mystical experience. One that is undeniable, yet which my poor Virgoan mind can make no sense of. Fortunately it cannot question the reality and remains silent at these times, leaving me with a direct connection to Spirit.

See the Horary Astrology page for more details.

By |January 31st, 2018|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on What is Horary Astrology?

The Symbolism of the Signs

Have you ever wondered why each symbol signifies its zodiac sign? They are not just random associations, but carry great significance in understanding more deeply each sign.

Check out this short document I created describing how each symbol relates to the nature of the sign


By |September 26th, 2017|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Symbolism of the Signs

My top secret tip for understanding your birth chart

This tip is almost never written about in articles or astrological reports, but is solid gold in terms of the insights that it can bring you.

It is this – planets on an angle are extremely important. Sometimes the significance of an angular planet can be even more prominent than one’s Sun sign. Find out more in the video below, which includes a discussion of the charts of Queen Elizabeth II and Maggie Thatcher.

By |September 16th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , , , , , , |2 Comments

The Moon – what you need in life…

The Moon in your chart shows what you need for emotional fulfilment. The Sun may show what you want but the Moon describes what you need for a sense of security and well-being. It is equally as important as your Sun. And what you need may not be what you think…

By |September 6th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , |2 Comments

The Ascendant

The Ascendant, also known as the Rising Sign, describes how we go out there into the world. How we deal with our immediate environment and what people see first of us. So you may be a shy Virgo deep down, but if Leo is rising you will appear to be much more outgoing than you really are, especially to people who don’t know you really well.

The Sun is why we are here. The Ascendant is how we get there.

The Sun is the kind of hero(-ine) we are. The Ascendant is the quest that we must embark upon.

So, using the analogy of the chick hatching out of the egg, I’ve created this video to describe each of the 12 possible Ascendant signs. I had fun coming up with these, and I’m sure you’re going to love it…

By |August 27th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , |1 Comment

How to read your birth chart

Here’s a little 2-part video which explains what all those symbols, numbers and sections mean on your birth chart, using the example of Madonna’s chart (Sun in Leo square Mars – no wonder she’s such a fiery drama queen!)

This is essential information for gaining a deeper understanding of what your life is about.




By |August 17th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to read your birth chart

Which sign of the zodiac is my perfect match?

Let’s be honest, it’s what we all want to know, right?! Find out in this short 3-part video which signs you are compatible with, and why. Also, find out how NOT to use astrology to find your soulmate…

Part 1 – The Important Of The Four Elements In Relationships

Click here to download your own copy of my Sun Sign Compatibility Chart

Part 2 – Which Sign Of The Zodiac Is My Perfect Match?


Part 3 – How Not To Use Astrology To Find Your Soulmate

By |August 7th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

How to be the Hero(-ine) in your life journey

The Sun in your chart describes your own personal Hero’s Journey. What, fundamentally, are you here to do in life? This video describes the central importance of your Sun in your life. Using the example of mythologist Joseph Campbell, you can see how his entire life is beautifully encapsulated by his natal Sun…

By |July 28th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , , , , |2 Comments

What on Earth is going on?

Did you know that understanding what astrology is and how it works will help you to understand the bigger questions of what on earth this thing called life is, and how life works? True story. Find out why here…

By |July 21st, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , |4 Comments

Are the Lights Going Out On Donald Trump?

Donald Trump and the August 2017 Solar Eclipse

Next month looks like being a particularly interesting one for Donald Trump, since the solar eclipse on 21st August will take place exactly on top of his Ascendant at 29 Leo. Traditionally solar eclipses are considered the most malefic of omens in astrology, since the Sun, the source of all life, disappears during the middle of the day, plunging the earth into darkness. My teacher will not even leave his house on the day of an eclipse.

When an eclipse lands on a sensitive point of one’s birth chart it indicates some kind of turning point, often associated with misfortune of some kind. I have some personal experience of this as an incident at the time of a solar eclipse in 2001 (that directly aspected my natal Mars) led to severe physical illness, and a very long healing journey.

And there is no more sensitive point that could be hit in a chart than the Ascendant. This is the point from which a person interacts with the world on a daily basis. It symbolises our personality, how we go out into the world and how people see us.

Click link above to enlarge image

Interestingly, Trump has the fixed star Regulus right on his natal Ascendant. Regulus is known as the Royal Star and symbolises glory, riches and power to those born under it. And in late 2016, Trump’s Progressed Sun was exactly conjunct both his Ascendant and Regulus. The Progressed Sun is a timing measure that moves very slowly – roughly 1 degree of the zodiac per year. It is like a spotlight highlighting a theme for 1-2 years of a person’s life. The Progressed Sun symbolises the unfolding of very deep aspects of our life path. It is said that nothing significant happens in our life unless there is an aspect to the Progressed Sun in that year.

Well, there can be nothing more bigly than this spotlight shining on one’s Ascendant and Regulus, as was the case for Trump in the latter part of last year. Astrologically speaking this is what brought him to power as it activated the royal star for Trump. No doubt in his mind he became King of the World at this time.

Yet this Progressed Sun is also a passing influence, and while Trump has Regulus on his Ascendant for his whole life, once the influence of the Sun has passed, even those who voted for him may start to see a different side to him.

Regulus also has a lower side – destructiveness, honour of short duration, downfall and ultimate failure. With Mars right on his Ascendant too, his downfall could be his reckless impulsiveness.

So what we have during the August 21st eclipse is the polar opposite of late 2016 for Trump. From one of the most fortunate of omens to one of the most unfortunate. Will the lights go out on Trump’s own personal royal charter to rule the world? Well, it is never possible to predict exactly how astrological omens will play out in the world. But for sure it is going to be an extremely difficult time for him in some way.

It is, to me, also extremely interesting to note that the physical path of August’s solar eclipse actually runs right across the US, seeming to put additional focus on this country during August.

Now if this eclipse wasn’t enough for Trump, at the exact same time, transiting Saturn is stationary exactly conjunct his natal Moon. If you look at the eclipse chart you’ll see that Saturn is at 21 Sag 11 and Trump’s natal Moon is 21 Sag 12 – just 1 minute of arc difference! Therefore this transit will be exact the day before the eclipse, on 20th Aug.

So at this time Saturn has slowed right down and will be changing direction just a few days later (24th Aug). Any transit of Saturn is a big challenge, but the energy becomes even more intensified when the transit happens just as a planet is changing direction, as effectively Saturn will be right on top of Trump’s Moon for most of August and September.

Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma and usually brings very challenging events (that are ultimately for our good if we choose to recognise the difficulties are life trying to bring us into alignment with our highest good). Connected to his Moon suggests a very difficult time for him emotionally and possibly painful events connected to his family or home.

With his Moon in the personal and private 4th house of his chart, it is possible that the events associated with this time for him will not become public. They may be an entirely personal affair, or they may impact his public image and standing (Ascendant). My sense is that some things will be public but there may be other happenings in his life at this time that we will not know about – this is the influence of both the Ascendant and the 4th house at this time.

Although it could also mean that previously hidden aspects of Trump’s private life will come to light at this time. There is, of course, the Comey hearing, which has the potential to reveal some Trump secrets. And given that he has Sun conjunct Uranus and Moon opposite Uranus in his natal chart, expect surprises, unexpected events and out-of-the-blue revelations.

So what will the outcome of this period be for Donald Trump? It’s impossible to say. However the omens suggest a really difficult time for him. A significant turning point in his life. We’re talking bigly covfefe here. So much so that I tried to place a bet with bookmakers here in England that Trump would lose his presidency in either August or September, but they wouldn’t offer me any odds on it.

What do you think will happen to Trump at the solar eclipse? I want to know your thoughts, so scroll down and leave a comment below.


By |July 5th, 2017|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |13 Comments

The Cyclone is Coming, Dorothy

Without warning, the tornado tears up your street, through the front door and right under the bed covers just as you’re drifting into a warm, fuzzy sleep. Before you know it you’re being whisked off on an adventure to an unknown land.

Say hello to Uranus.

Uranus surges into your life unannounced, bringing chaos and disruption. If you’re ready to leave the safety and security of Kansas, then the twister may be just what you have been waiting for. But ready or not, you’re going on a journey of change when Uranus comes to town.

As with all of the symbols of astrology, I am not talking literally about the planet Uranus out there in the depths of the Solar System, but rather the archetypal energy that it represents in our lives. Uranus’ rays are not beaming down to us here on Earth, instead its energy is awakening within us and precipitating the urge for change that our Soul desires at this time in our lives.

Uranus symbolises the inner urge for freedom and liberation from the chains that bind us. Uranus is the rebel, the awakener, the liberator. Under his influence we simply cannot stand to continue in our life the way we have been doing. The sense of limitation, restriction, bondage becomes too painful and we simply have to break free of it. Uranus demands that we become more authentic in our lives.

Uranus says to us, “Take a risk!”

Uranus is freedom from the known.

For some people a Uranus transit is exciting, for others scary. Those people heavy on the Earth and Water signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) tend to prefer routine and stability, while Fire and Air types (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are more inclined to excitement and adventure and hence often more welcoming of Uranus. If you like routine and want things to remain as they are then you are in for a rude awakening.

If we are conscious enough to recognise the impending need for change, then we can use the energy of this transit to catapult our lives into the Stratosphere. To listen to the inner urge to take a risk and make important life changes at this time is to move in harmony with what life, and our Soul, want for us. It may be (will be!) disruptive for a time. Life will be chaotic with no sense of stability or certainty of where it is all leading. But rest assured that if we make a decision based on a need for greater freedom, liberation and authenticity, then life will conspire to bring us these things.

We just may have to go on a little journey down the Yellow Brick Road first.

Exactly what area of our life is affected depends on what Uranus is hitting in our natal chart. For example, if it transits our Midheaven then it relates to career and vocation. This position in the chart more widely relates to the question “What am I to do with my existence?”. And when Uranus gets to this place we simply must make changes so that our work or vocation express more authentically who we are. Freedom from a limiting work situation is essential at this time.

If Uranus transits our natal Sun then our entire sense of personal identity, as well as our fundamental life path, are going to change. By the time the transit is over we may not recognise ourselves from who we were a year ago. Over the Descendant and it could be time to move on from that relationship that has become stagnant or no longer serves you.

During 2017 Uranus will be traversing backwards and forwards from 21 to 28 degrees of Aries. If you have any planets or angles of your chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC) between these degrees then get ready for some fireworks. (This also goes for planets/angles at 21 to 28 degrees of Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.)

If you were born between 10th and 17th April then Uranus will be directly on top of your Sun during this time – one of the most important life transits that you can have. (Sun at 21 to 28 Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will also be affected.)

While knowledge of one’s unique individual birth chart is necessary to know what is currently being affected by the astrological weather, there is one transit of Uranus that everybody experiences at more or less the same time in their life. Uranus takes roughly 84 years to go round the zodiac, and hence everybody has their Uranus Opposition transit at age 41-43.

This is the ‘mid-life crisis’!

It doesn’t have to be experienced as a crisis, but often is for those people who have never looked deeply within themselves. Then comes a sudden urge for freedom from the routine and prison that their life has become. This is when the married businessman with 3 kids suddenly buys a Porsche and runs off with his 21 year old secretary!

Usually people’s experience of this transit is not as dramatic as this. But there is some recognition that “I’m not old, but I am no longer young”. And a feeling that if ever I am going to make that big life change I’ve been wanting to do then this is the time to do it. It is a window of opportunity. To do something more in alignment with our own unique expression.

It is sometimes called the ‘divorce aspect’. It is a very common time for marriages to end. It may have been coming for a while, but this is when the person finally realises that they cannot go on any longer. The intensity of the Uranus urge forces them to make the break for freedom.

It can also be a common time for a person to start their own business. When they finally have the courage to break free from the security but the confines of their employer (Saturn) and to break out on their own.

The Uranus Opposition can be a time of breakthrough and illumination in one’s life path and soul purpose; where we reclaim something lost at the age of 21 (the Uranus Square). A time of finding oneself.

An opportunity to soar.

The cyclone is coming, Dorothy. Are you going to try and evade the inevitable or embrace the turbulence and let its power rip off the chains that bind you?

My Uranus Opposition is beginning right now. Two days ago I realised that it was time to let go of something that has been a major part of my life for the last 13 years (since my Saturn Returns). It is time to call an end to my healing days with ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is responsible for not only saving my life but completely transforming it beyond all recognition (astrology is one of the many things that came out of it). It has been so incredible for me, but it has served its purpose and to continue with it would now hold me back in life. It is clear to me that it’s now time to cut those ties and release the old in order to create space for something very new that wants to come in (and with Uranus being full of surprises I have no idea yet what that will be – just a clear recognition that I am in a time of big transition and the old must be relinquished). It is a time to find my own way in life and to trust my own inner guidance as I step into a new level of authenticity.


By |May 9th, 2017|Categories: Blog|2 Comments

Mars – The God of War

AstroCartography is a fairly modern branch of astrology that describes how the symbolism of different planetary energies come to the fore for us at different locations around the world. Each planet symbolises particular themes and hence this kind of astrology can describe the kinds of experiences we may have in different locations. This can be used to assess whether or not a particular place would be good for us to live, or even just go on holiday.

For example a Venus location can be a place where we feel particularly at peace, in harmony with our surroundings and where life can be most pleasant and enjoyable. It can also be somewhere where we meet a partner, since Venus is also the planet of relationships.

While doing some research into AstroCartography recently I noticed something very interesting about the Mars locations of certain world leaders. In Roman mythology Mars was the God of War. And incredibly, I found in the charts of several leader that their Mars line runs right through places in which they were involved in conflict. A very literal expression of the Mars energy.

Have a look at the AstroCartography maps of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and George W. Bush below. The lines on these maps are related to the different planets. I’ve indicated the Mars line for each with its symbol: Mars . Any location on or near this line carries the Mars energy for that person.
Click on each map for the larger version.

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher

George W. Bush

George W. Bush

What do you notice about the locations of the Mars line for each of these? They all go straight through places where the person was involved in a war: Ronald Reagan through Russia (the Cold War), Margaret Thatcher through the Falkland Islands off the east coast of Argentina and George W. Bush right through the middle of Afghanistan!

And then I took a look at the AstroCartography map for Donald Trump. Check it out below in relation to Mars:

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Where does Trump’s Mars line run? Almost exactly through Washington, DC! Could this mean that should he get into power he wants to start some kind of war at home? A war on immigration within the US could be one possible showing of the symbolism. Maybe it also describes the inner division he is creating within the Republican Party. Mars doesn’t necessarily mean a literal war, but it does suggest the likelihood of more conflict of some kind on US soil with him as president.


By |May 3rd, 2016|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Mars – The God of War

Nodes of the Moon

One of the very important and often overlooked features of a natal astrology chart is the Nodes of the Moon. This is an axis, rather than a planet, with one side named the North Node and the other the South Node. The nodes run across a pair of opposite signs – Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius etc – and opposite houses – 1st/7th, 2nd/8th etc

In the chart below, the North Node is in Libra in 10th house, and South Node in Aries in 1st. (more…)

By |November 1st, 2014|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Nodes of the Moon

The Saturn Return

It never fails to amaze me how people come for a reading just as major astrological activity is happening in their charts. They have no idea it is going on, and yet for some reason choose that exact time to book a session with an astrologer for the very first time in their lives.

One such time is the Saturn Returns, which occurs at roughly 29 years of age (it can be as early as 28 or as late as 30). This is the time when Saturn returns to the same place in the zodiac that it was when a person was born (i.e. the length of time that it takes Saturn to orbit the Sun). This is always a hugely important time in a person’s life, and tends to last for around 1 year.

By |April 30th, 2014|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Saturn Return

Locational Astrology

The most common use of astrology is looking at it from the perspective of time. In terms of a Natal Chart, the exact moment a person is born, and then how this chart is affected by the movement of the planets through time (Transits and Progressions).

What is less well known is that space also has an effect on our charts and hence our lives. Moving to a different location can bring to the fore planets (and hence the archetypical energies that they symbolise) that were in the background at the place where we were born. So Locational Astrology shows how our natal chart changes through space, and suggests the kind of experiences that we may have in different places. Certain locations can be good for work or relationships, where opportunities are more likely to happen.

By |April 30th, 2014|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Locational Astrology

Introduction to Astrology Workshop at Kalikalos, Greece

I am excited to announce that I have been invited to hold a week-long Beginner’s Astrology workshop at the Kalikalos retreat centre in Greece this summer. The provisional date is July 4th to 11th. The workshop will include around 20 hours of teaching, and there will be time to explore the mountains and beaches of the beautiful Pelion region. (more…)

By |February 21st, 2014|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Introduction to Astrology Workshop at Kalikalos, Greece

Neptune Transits – Faith, Trust and Surrender

Back in May I discussed the transits of Uranus and the kinds of sweeping, unexpected and sometimes chaotic change it brings to our lives as we search for a greater sense of freedom. Today I want to talk about the next planet out in the solar system, Neptune, and the effects that it can have on our life.

The essence of Neptune is to dissolve boundaries, and to open us to more subtle and intangible energies. It is very much the antithesis of Saturn, which relates to cold, hard reality, structure, form and all things concrete.

By |November 18th, 2013|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Pluto and the US

In the same way that people have birth charts, so too do countries. And in the same way that people are affected personally by major transits to their charts, so too are entire nations. One of the most important transits is that of Pluto, and it is very interesting to note that Pluto will soon be having a major impact on the chart of the United States, as it is approaching a direct opposition to the US Sun – the most important planet in any chart, indicating national identity, the heart of the country and everything a country stands for.

Pluto is all about deep transformation, and one that comes about through some form of destruction first. (more…)

By |September 23rd, 2013|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Pluto and the US


I don’t have any kind of systematic approach to what I write about in these newsletters, rather I prefer to just discuss whatever is important to me right now. It’s not very Virgoan of me I know, but sometimes even Virgos have to get a little crazy and spontaneous.

I’ve been spending a lot of time studying progressions recently. Without getting too technical about it, progressions essentially show our internal state – feelings, insights, shifts of perspective, reorientation of thinking, that kind of thing. Progressions are deeply felt and show how we are reacting to events around us. (more…)

By |July 10th, 2013|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , |1 Comment

Uranus – Winds of Change

At the moment you are born, as seen from the place you are born, all of the planets are in a certain position in the sky. This translates into a particular zodiacal sign and astrological house. So you may have your Sun in Libra in the 5th house and your Moon in Scorpio in the 6th house, for example. This means something about your nature and the kinds of experiences you have in life. But while the birth chart is fixed, life is ever-changing. The planets, signs and houses are symbolic of an entire spectrum of different possibilities. Your Sun will always be in Libra, but how this is expressed will be different over time.

A natal chart reading is excellent for gaining a deeper understanding of the self and is vitally important in astrological work. But this is only half of the picture, as the planets keep moving after you are born. The position of the planets right now and how they connect with your specific energetic configuration (your birth chart) describe what is going on for you now and what areas of life and themes inherent in your being are being activated. These planetary movements are known as transits.


By |May 15th, 2013|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Uranus – Winds of Change

Totnes – Twinned with Narnia!

Welcome to this February newsletter where the good news is that I survived the 2012 apocalypse. Hope you did too. I have no idea about the rest of the world, but Totnes is still here. Maybe being twinned with Narnia somehow transported us into a new dimension at the critical moment 🙂


By |February 14th, 2013|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Totnes – Twinned with Narnia!

Nearly here: Dec 21, 2012 – THE END OF THE WORLD!

Apocalypse Now?

So the date is almost upon us. December 21, 2012. The end of the Mayan Calendar. The opening of an intergalactic portal. The beginning of the Aquarian age. The second coming of Christ. The day the space aliens destroy the Earth. Choose your favourite story.

Rarely has a date attracted so much attention. According to the bastion of truth that is the Daily Mail, after careful research they have decided the world won’t in fact end on this date. (more…)

By |November 6th, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Nearly here: Dec 21, 2012 – THE END OF THE WORLD!

Saturn in Scorpio

I hope this fascinating rollercoaster we sometimes call life is treating you well. I thought I’d send another brief newsletter since last week brought another important astrological shift – Saturn moved into the sign of Scorpio and will stay there for the next two and a half years. It would be fair to say that Saturn isn’t the most fun planet around, since it represents limitation, discipline, testing and stark reality, amongst other things. But while Saturn often gets a bad rap in astrology (and please remember that I am talking about the energy within you that Saturn symbolises, not the lump of rock out in space), the truth is that it’s the challenges in life that are represented by Saturn that actually bring all the good things to us – as long as we are prepared to face them.


By |October 14th, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Saturn in Scorpio


Since the Full Moon is in Virgo/Pisces today, I thought I’d write a bit about the sign of Virgo, which I know so well, having my Sun, Ascendant and Venus all in this sign of purity and perfection. Virgo energy is all about analysing, organising and attention to detail. Virgos spot the little things that others miss. This makes them great administrators and they will ensure that everything is efficiently tidied away and in its proper place. While most people hate sorting out their accounts and taxes, right now I am excitedly awaiting the end of the month, so I can update my spreadsheets, print all my paperwork out and get all my records orderly filed away. Ah, the joy of Virgo-dom! (more…)

By |August 31st, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Virgo
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