Anyone who follows the movement of the planets will be acutely aware that January 12th, 2020 is the day of the exact Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. There has been much already written about this, and what it could mean on the world stage. Undoubtedly it is a huge transit, symbolic of big changes being initiated at this time that will play out over the next few years.

Saturn is a symbol for authority and structure, Pluto (the Lord of the Underworld) describes unconscious and sometimes dark and destructive forces coming to light. On the world stage, Capricorn is the prevailing societal and governmental forces, the hierarchy, and the old, traditional way of doing things.

Saturn transits tend to challenge (and sometimes bring down) old structures that no longer work. And so it is fair to say that 2020 and beyond is a big time in terms of significant tension between the old way, and the possibility of creating new governing structures in the world.

Pluto is a symbol for power and control, and so there will be a pushback. The current structure will not crumble easily, and will fight to hold on to the existing power dynamic. Pluto can indicate ‘creative destruction’, a profound death and eventual rebirth of new systems; so it may not be pretty out there. These are the themes at play and ultimately nobody can predict exactly how this will manifest. It could be very messy, and it does not necessarily have to be.


What most interests me is how we can relate to, and use, the energy of the current time on a personal level, and I think that if there is enough of an individual will in this direction then the deep changes symbolised by Saturn and Pluto coming together do not have to be catastrophic.

People who have planets or angles closely connected to Saturn and Pluto will likely feel this conjunction most strongly – they meet at 22 Capricorn, and so this will particularly affect anyone with Sun, Moon or Ascendant at 21-24 Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

However, this transit will be felt by everybody in some way. The house in your birth chart that they are transiting through is likely to describe the arena in which it is most strongly felt by you. (The houses indicate the ‘where’ – which area of life is being influenced.)

And so what is being asked of us at this time? While there are numerous ways of interpreting this conjunction, for me now right the essential theme is about reclaiming our own authority.

So it is an excellent time to see where you have given your own authority (Saturn) and power (Pluto) away to another person, or even the prevailing social structures.

It is a time for self-autonomy and the regaining of your personal power. A time to be your own leader and boss from a place of inner strength and maturity. To feel your own power and to wield that power wisely. And to not get caught up in the lower nature of this transit, which can bring about deep fear and paranoia.

The more we each individually take responsibility (Saturn) for our lives, as well as removing any people or situations that control or hold power over us (Pluto), the smoother we can navigate this testing time. And also, I suspect, the collective power of these individual actions can and will ripple out into the wider societal sphere and help to bring about the deep governmental and societal changes so desperately needed.

Much patience will be needed. Saturn is Father Time – any changes involving Saturn will be slow and take a long time, especially in the sign of Capricorn. But slow also means deep. Now exists the potential to create new foundations at the bedrock of your life, even if it means knocking down a few walls first.