How Does Astrology Work

Astrology is widely misunderstood in the West today.

Most people only know the brief horoscopes in the newspapers and magazines. Then they say, “How can the same thing happen to 1 in 12 people in the world. This has to be nonsense.”

And they are absolutely right. But this is not astrology. A true individual birth chart reading for a person takes into account date, time and place of birth, and so is unique to every single person.

The other main argument against astrology is this: “How can the planets out there in space affect me and my life here on Earth?” This is a valid point, and I would answer, “They can’t, and they don’t.”

Rather, I understand the position of the planets as being a symbolic map of the energies within us. Since everything is connected and everything is One, then what happens on a macrocosm scale (the position of the planets) is reflected on a microcosm scale (a person). “As above, so below” as the ancients said. Carl Jung, an astrologer himself, called this Synchronicity—an acausal connecting principle.

So, the positions of the planets symbolize energies that are within us, each one representing a different aspect of our nature (e.g. the Moon is our nurturing, feminine, receptive and emotional side—and we all have one. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger.)

I like the analogy of a clock—the hands on the clock tell the time, but they don’t cause it. In the same way, the positions of the planets describe what is happening to us, but they don’t cause it.

A birth chart can be seen as the energetic make-up of a person’s psyche. The locations of the planets and how they connect with each other accurately describe how we view and behave in the world and what happens in our lives.

If you want to understand yourself more deeply, understand why certain problems keep arising and learn new ways to deal with them, or if you want to discover what career would be best suited to you, the lessons you are meant to learn in your lifetime or what your hidden talents are, then get in touch with me today.

My readings are down-to-earth and clear. What you learn is practical and can be applied to your daily life immediately. Knowledge is power. The deeper level of self-awareness that can come from an astrology reading with me helps you to start moving in a more rewarding and fulfilling direction. It assists you in experiencing a happy life that is full of peace and love which is, after all, your birthright.