The BBC Makes a Monkey Out Of Danny Baker

By |2019-05-13T12:15:13+00:00May 13th, 2019|Blog, Front Page|

Last week, BBC radio show host Danny Baker was sacked after tweeting an image of a chimpanzee dressed in a top hat, overcoat and cane. His caption, ‘Royal baby leaves hospital’ was a reference to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s new baby. The BBC fired him because they said the chimp image of the mixed-race [...]

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Why did Farrokh Bulsara choose the name Freddie Mercury?

By |2019-05-13T11:02:12+00:00May 13th, 2019|Blog, Front Page|

I watched Bohemian Rhapsody recently and was curious as to Freddie Mercury's choice of surname (he was born Farrokh Bulsara). I had a look at his birth chart, and not only is Mercury the ruler of his Sun and Ascendant (both Virgo), but also the planet Mercury is situated at 2 degrees Virgo, the exact [...]

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By |2019-08-19T17:28:10+00:00April 16th, 2019|Blog, Front Page, Videos|

The Goddess of Love meets the God of War… On April 20th, Venus moves into the sign of Aries and will be there until the 15th May. With Aries being the first sign of the zodiac, this marks the beginning of a new trip around the wheel for the Goddess of Love. While in the [...]

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Venus in Pisces

By |2019-08-19T17:47:29+00:00April 16th, 2019|Blog, Videos|

A time to dissolve the boundaries of separation between you and your beloved and experience the truth of Divine love. On March 26th, Venus moved into the sign of Pisces and will be there until the 20th April. This is a wonderful period for connections with others and relationships of all kinds, since Venus is [...]

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A Former Sceptic’s Guide To Astrology

By |2019-08-19T17:45:26+00:00April 2nd, 2019|Blog, Front Page|

What Astrology Really Is and How It Works There are many misconceptions about what astrology is and how it works, both from those of a scientific mind and also from those of a more spiritual inclination. I used to be a complete sceptic about astrology until I accidentally found myself in a 1-hour talk on [...]

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Venus in Aquarius

By |2019-08-19T17:42:46+00:00February 28th, 2019|Blog, Front Page|

Venus spends about 3.5 weeks in each sign of the zodiac, except for a brief period once every 18 months when it goes retrograde. As Venus moves through the 12 signs of the zodiac it describes different themes that may be present in your relationships. On March 1st, Venus moves into Aquarius and stays there [...]

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By |2019-08-19T17:40:46+00:00December 20th, 2018|Blog, Front Page|

A few hours ago there was a powerful new moon in Sagittarius. It is a very noteworthy and especially wonderful new moon since it happens in conjunction with Jupiter, very strongly placed in its own sign. I wrote recently about the beneficial influence of Jupiter’s movement into Sagittarius. Check out the article on my website [...]


A Date With Destiny

By |2018-12-20T18:22:09+00:00December 6th, 2018|Blog, Front Page|

       I wrote recently about Jupiter’s movement into Sagittarius, and its association with a renewed trust and faith in the goodness of life. At the same time I started to really understand the nature of prayer. A friend and teacher of mine has been strongly encouraging me for much of this year to pray [...]

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Jupiter in Sagittarius… Faith, Trust and Self-Belief

By |2019-08-19T17:36:59+00:00November 18th, 2018|Blog, Front Page|

George Michael was right… You gotta have faith, faith, faith. Yesterday, I had a very important revelation about myself and my life which came, unbeknownst to me at the time, about 15 minutes after Jupiter moved into Sagittarius. The insight was so perfectly symbolic of this change of sign for Jupiter. I realised that deep [...]

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