The Planet of War in the Sign of War (Mars enter Aries – June 28th, 2020)

By |2020-06-29T01:41:04+00:00June 29th, 2020|Blog|

At 2.45am London time yesterday, June 28th, Mars moved into his home sign of Aries. Usually Mars spends about 6 weeks in each sign, but once every two years it goes retrograde, meaning it spends a longer period in one or two signs. Usually this retrograde period will straddle two signs, but unusually this time [...]

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By |2019-08-19T17:28:10+00:00April 16th, 2019|Blog, Front Page, Videos|

The Goddess of Love meets the God of War… On April 20th, Venus moves into the sign of Aries and will be there until the 15th May. With Aries being the first sign of the zodiac, this marks the beginning of a new trip around the wheel for the Goddess of Love. While in the [...]

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Webinar – 11th August 2018

By |2018-08-12T11:01:25+00:00August 12th, 2018|Videos|

Here's the recording from today's webinar. Topics under discussion include: * Today's Solar Eclipse in Leo * Uranus' recent move into Taurus and what this means for the global financial system (think cryptocurrencies) * What happened when Uranus was in Aries * Uranus transits in one's natal chart * Example of James Dean's chart [...]

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Nodes of the Moon

By |2017-07-06T11:03:46+00:00November 1st, 2014|Blog|

One of the very important and often overlooked features of a natal astrology chart is the Nodes of the Moon. This is an axis, rather than a planet, with one side named the North Node and the other the South Node. The nodes run across a pair of opposite signs – Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius etc [...]

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