What is Horary Astrology?

By |2018-01-31T17:35:39+00:00January 31st, 2018|Blog|

Horary Astrology is my new offering. This is pure divination. After studying this very specific branch of astrology for the last few years I am very happy to be in a place to now offer these readings formally. This reading is for when you are looking for a yes or no answer to a specific, real world question. Essentially [...]

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The Symbolism of the Signs

By |2017-07-26T09:17:04+00:00September 26th, 2017|Blog|

Have you ever wondered why each symbol signifies its zodiac sign? They are not just random associations, but carry great significance in understanding more deeply each sign. Check out this short document I created describing how each symbol relates to the nature of the sign CLICK HERE: THE SYMBOLISM OF THE SIGNS

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My top secret tip for understanding your birth chart

By |2017-09-18T12:39:53+00:00September 16th, 2017|Videos|

This tip is almost never written about in articles or astrological reports, but is solid gold in terms of the insights that it can bring you. It is this – planets on an angle are extremely important. Sometimes the significance of an angular planet can be even more prominent than one’s Sun sign. Find [...]

The Moon – what you need in life…

By |2017-09-05T21:52:18+00:00September 6th, 2017|Videos|

The Moon in your chart shows what you need for emotional fulfilment. The Sun may show what you want but the Moon describes what you need for a sense of security and well-being. It is equally as important as your Sun. And what you need may not be what you think...

The Ascendant

By |2018-09-10T12:53:01+00:00August 27th, 2017|Videos|

The Ascendant, also known as the Rising Sign, describes how we go out there into the world. How we deal with our immediate environment and what people see first of us. So you may be a shy Virgo deep down, but if Leo is rising you will appear to be much more outgoing than [...]

How to read your birth chart

By |2018-09-10T12:54:07+00:00August 17th, 2017|Videos|

Here's a little 2-part video which explains what all those symbols, numbers and sections mean on your birth chart, using the example of Madonna’s chart (Sun in Leo square Mars - no wonder she's such a fiery drama queen!) This is essential information for gaining a deeper understanding of what your life is about. [...]

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Which sign of the zodiac is my perfect match?

By |2017-08-06T12:51:56+00:00August 7th, 2017|Videos|

Let's be honest, it's what we all want to know, right?! Find out in this short 3-part video which signs you are compatible with, and why. Also, find out how NOT to use astrology to find your soulmate... Part 1 - The Important Of The Four Elements In Relationships Click here to download [...]

How to be the Hero(-ine) in your life journey

By |2017-09-05T21:26:41+00:00July 28th, 2017|Videos|

The Sun in your chart describes your own personal Hero's Journey. What, fundamentally, are you here to do in life? This video describes the central importance of your Sun in your life. Using the example of mythologist Joseph Campbell, you can see how his entire life is beautifully encapsulated by his natal Sun... [...]

What on Earth is going on?

By |2017-09-05T21:57:45+00:00July 21st, 2017|Videos|

Did you know that understanding what astrology is and how it works will help you to understand the bigger questions of what on earth this thing called life is, and how life works? True story. Find out why here...

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