One of the big transits for 2021 is Saturn square Uranus. This is beginning right now and will continue until December. Saturn symbolises the tradition, hierarchy and those in charge. Uranus is disruption, the rebel and the revolutionary.
One of the main ways I see this playing out is in the global financial systems. Uranus is currently in Taurus. Taurus symbolises finance and money. (Think ‘the bull’ as the symbol of Wall St).
Uranus moved into Taurus in early 2019 and will be there until 2026. I see this as a period of tremendous revolution in our financial systems. Uranus is also the symbol for technology. Uranus in Taurus equals the advent of a new form of money based on technology (aka cryptocurrency).
This Saturn-Uranus square through 2021 indicates a significant clash between the old ways of doing things, and a new, more progressive and equitable system.
Interestingly, in the chart for the first ever Bitcoin transaction on January 3rd 2009 (the symbolic moment that describes cryptocurrency as a whole) Uranus was exactly opposite Saturn. Perfectly describing the disruption and change to the old financial system that it is now heralding.
The need for a revolution in the financial system was starkly highlighted this week through the Gamestop drama that you may have read about. Essentially a bunch of nerds on Reddit decided to challenge the shorting of Gamestop stock by several uber-weathly hedge funds. By many people buying small amounts of this stock they raised the price by 500% and liquidated the hedge funds trades. One of them lost billions of dollars and had to file for bankruptcy.
In the midst of the regular folk fighting back against the money elite (Uranus v Saturn), one of the main trading sites, Robinhood, decided to ban anybody from buying more of this stock.
Curiously, there was talk online of a connection between the CEO of Robinhood and the hedge fund managers. Did they make a call and ask him to suspend trading, to help a friend out?
Either way, the bottom line is that when everyday folk lose money trading the game continues as normal. When the rich guys begin to lose, action is taken to limit their losses.
This highlights the great need for decentralised financial exchanges, such as are now exploding in the crypto realm, in order to ensure complete fairness. These exchanges are run purely on computer code (‘smart contracts’), which are immune to manipulation or any kind of human intervention.
The current financial system is quite simply unsustainable. Their modus operandi for times of economic crisis is simply to print more money. Did you know that 22% of all US Dollars in existence were printed in 2020?!
Of course, you cannot create money out of thin air, and so this really means that the value of the cash in your bank account is worth 22% less today than it was a year ago.
The beauty of cryptocurrency is that there is a fixed supply. There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin.
This means that the value of your assets cannot be reduced by an outside entity deciding to create more. It is the increasing trust of people in this immutable store of value that is behind more and more people moving a portion of their wealth into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
(If you’re interested in delving into the history of money, what money actually is, what gives it value and why it is inevitable the current system will fail, then I highly recommend the book The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous.)
So while this transition to a more equitable financial system will take many years, I see the 2021 Saturn-Uranus square as being a pivotal time in this shift. Of course, the governments will do their level best to regulate it, and maybe even try to ban it, but the beauty of crypto is that there is no single entity in charge. You simply cannot ban open-source computer code with no governing body. If people choose to give cryptocurrencies value, then they become valuable (actually that’s true of all financial systems – cash only works because everybody agrees that it has a certain value.)
If you’re new to the burgeoning digital financial system that is upon us, then I highly recommend this video which gives a succinct overview of the old versus the new (Saturn v Uranus):
Viva La Revolución